Just read an article about more than excitement shooting through a motorcycle rider's loins, but also electromagnetic radiation. The author of Motorcycle Cancer, Are Motorcycles Killing us with Cancers of the Prostate, Colon, Kidney, Bone, etc?, Randall Dale Chipkar, suspects surprisingly high levels of radiation may increase riders' chances of getting cancer.
He postulates that, although not conclusive, evidence suggests high levels of EMR should be respected enough to take precautions. After all, he suggests, "inconclusive proof" doesn't mean its not true, hence, better prudent than sorry.
It all sounds good, except for the fact that he has gone on to patent a motorcycle seat using "highly processed material" that supposedly can protect the rider's groin and torso. (Just reading the word "groin" in context to this sort of damage makes my my nethers clench a little - maybe that's the intent of the article)
Given that EMR penetrates steel and lead, I personaly question the efficacy of this "highly processed material", and the authors motivation.
How much would you pay for a seat that protects your groin from radiation?