If you do a search, someone posted an article a little while back that gave good "starting points" for jet selection, and that would be a good place to look. It was one of those "If you've done this, then add one jet size. If you've done this add two. If you add so many, then take one back..." kind of things. I can't remember who posted it.
Anyway, once you find that, use that, like I said, as a starting point. Two identical bikes may run differently with identical set-ups. You elevation will play a bit of a factor (usually a smaller jet size, I think...). Once you have our starting point, ride it around, do some plug chops (do another search for those if you're not sure what they are) and go from there.
Yeah, it really is the $64,000 question; and that's mainly because every bike is different. There are just so many variables that there's never just a "Put this Jet in" kind of answer.
Well, Good luck. Hope this helps.