I have been working on and off for a few weeks to get a friends 650 running. Initially it would not start. I determined through this forum and other things that the carbs were not operating correctly, the bike had sat for 3-4 years without running. Ran fine before he put it away. After trying to clean with carb cleaner, I finally took the carb to a shop which cleaned it with an ultrasonic cleaner. Even after this, it seemed like the idle jets wern't fully open. When I tried to spray carb cleaner through the idle jets with the bowl off, I really couldn't see any fluid in the barrel of the carb. I also replaced the o-rings on the four air screws and put them back in with the same setting as original and one float valve.
Yesterday I tried to start the cycle, even though I wasn't sure about the idle jets. I fully choked the carb and set the idle slightly high before starting. It started within a few tries. It seemed to be running on only two cylinders (3&4) for awhile, then after a few minutes was running on all four. My problem is that whenever I tried to turn off the choke, the engine died, even if the engine was racing at 5-6000 RPM. The RPM's would decrease with even slight movement of the choke. This was after running for 10-15 minutes. Does anybody have any ideas on what to do next? Does this mean the carbs aren't getting enough gas?