This forum being so succesfull, I’ve been thinking of an event in which we could all participate. We have our bikes ofcourse, but a come together would be a bit difficult for practical reasons like oceans and stuff. What else was there that we had in common? Then it struck me like lightning: it’s the old globe right under our feet! Now if only I could bring the two together…
Well… here is the plan! Let us all, on an agreed date and time, take our bikes to the road and line up in the same direction. Now, remember, the world turns from west to east, so it has to be heads west, tails to the east. Then, and on exactly the same second we will all – worldwide - open our throttles and accelerate as fast as we can. What I remember from classes in physic is, that when a force is exercised on a round object like a wheel or a ball, that object will … etc, etc. Well… the world is such a ball, isn’t it?! That means that if we would all combine our horsepower at the very same moment, there is a good chance we can accelerate the globe a bit and knock a few seconds of the dreary 24 hours it takes her now to complete a turn. Wouldn’t that be something?!
Days will never be the same and clocks worldwide will have to be adjusted. Not to mention we’ll all live longer too!!!
Can you see the picture?! Terry in Australia will hand extra bikes to friends to create maximum momentum down under, Dusterdude will pull his weight in Virginia, creating clouds of dust in the process, Raúl and party will be high in the sierras for maximum spin. Britain will be Great again when Bryanj conducts a whole army of screaming 400fours and the German CB Four Club will swarm out in unprecedented numbers melting down their autobahn tarmac. To add glory and provided it runs east to west, I suggest the illustre French Amicale will do their run down the Champs Elyssees. I myself will see I can tickle the sleepy Dutch Four Club by distributing some nitro. Ofcourse we have to organise this well. Crucial is we all start at the very same moment. And ofcourse, on reaching red zone in top gear, you mustn’t commence to break. That would counteract the effort. Just relax and let your bike roll out.
As soon as we know who we can count on, we’ll pick a date. Let’s hear it!