Well guys, I hate to admit it, but fred and his group live here in my home town of Topeka, Kansas. The "church" (not recognized by any national church) consists entirely of members of his own family. They all live in "compound" that is church property for tax purposes. The reason that they do well legally is that most of the family are lawyers (although fred himself was dis-barred years ago.) However, Topekans as a general rule are so embarrassed by them its not funny. Our mayor sends a letter to the mayor of any city that they are going to visit apologizing for their behavior in advance. Here a few years ago, we had a lady chase the "protesters" with her car down the sidewalk! They took her to court, but she was found not guilty by a juror of her peers. Nowdays, the group has several video cameras running whenever they protest to try and catch anyone that tries to stop them. People in Topeka hate them mostly for their graphic signs, and the fact that they have children with them holding signs with one guy bent over with another behind him, and don't like having to explain to their small children what the signs mean. So, please accept my apology on behalf of the people of Topeka for their actions. We do not wish to be associated with them in any way.