I don't think Americans want to see Harley go under (or even go down-under).
I, for one, would love to see them innovate and become competitive again in something other than marketing. I was excited about the V-ROD, but it sure is overpriced, and getting kind of old now, too. I found Erik Buell's ideas incredible. I think Erik Buell was one of the best things to happen to Harley in 40 years. Very smart of them to buy him out.
I would like to see Harley Davidson try to compete in racing again. Then maybe there'd be some hope for a future after the "mystique" wears off. Fads and trends just don't last as long as good engineering. I just don't see younger people falling for the Harley image-sales like they used to. The older folks who are still buying Harleys won't be riding for too much longer, and frankly, they are the only ones who can afford to overpay for the Harleys that are out today.