Author Topic: Can you name these carbs? Mikuni flatslides w/ electric cruise?  (Read 2636 times)

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Offline tsflstb

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Can you name these carbs? Mikuni flatslides w/ electric cruise?
« on: January 27, 2008, 07:36:24 PM »

These came as spares with the FZR I bought a few weeks ago.  They're spaced too wide (4 7/16 center to center) to fit that bike.  They have "89A" stamped on the side and what looks like an electric cruise control.

Looking to ebay them and just wondered if anybody knows a likely candidate they fit.  All the big touring bikes I can think of are V4's or fuel injected.


Oh yeah...main jet is 132.5 if that helps at all.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 08:04:22 PM by tsflstb »

Offline tsflstb

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Re: Can you name these carbs? Mikuni flatslides w/ electric cruise?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 10:08:00 AM »
Never would have guessed snowmobile...don't see many of those in Houston.

I thought about modifying the spacing until I looked at the choke mechanism.  Is there a lot of machine work to make that happen?  Can you do it with hand tools?  Is it better to sell these and just buy the stock carbs for the FZR1000?

The bike came with some Kehin FCRs that have no choke, so the thought was to keep these as a "streetable" setup.  Maybe sell the Kehins since they should fetch a good price.

Also, will they work in a downdraft configuration?  Is there just a change to the float level needed to replace these?

Offline MRieck

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Re: Can you name these carbs? Mikuni flatslides w/ electric cruise?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 05:06:40 PM »
Never would have guessed snowmobile...don't see many of those in Houston.

I thought about modifying the spacing until I looked at the choke mechanism.  Is there a lot of machine work to make that happen?  Can you do it with hand tools?  Is it better to sell these and just buy the stock carbs for the FZR1000?

There is alot of work to make them fit other applications. The set on top was modified from 4 individual gas feeds to 2 paired gas feeds. The spacing was altered (mounts were remade, throttle shaft was remade,etc) and all the jetting was redone. The choke was the easy part. The holes in the throttle shafts needed to be precision so it probably wouldnt be done easily with hand tools.

Also, will they work in a downdraft configuration? Is there just a change to the float level needed to replace these?

No, they wont work in a downdraft position. If you would use them as a downdraft, the floats wouldn't act like they should (the floats wouldnt raise like they should and the fuel level would push on the ends of the floats, not the bottom).
   The FCR's are probably alot bigger than the Mikuni's.

Whats wrong with the FCR's?

Nothing IMO. They are nice carbs. They have an accelerator pump so you really don't need a "choke". Pump them 3 or 4 times before starting cold. I have had FCR's on my FJ for years
Owner of the "Million Dollar CB"

Offline tsflstb

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Re: Can you name these carbs? Mikuni flatslides w/ electric cruise?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 05:53:57 PM »
No doubt they are nice.  I have finally figured out the starting procedure too.  I ran the battery flat a few times before it occured to me.  I just need to fix a few leaks and figure out why they overflow and I'll be happy.

The problem is I am a cheap a$$ and the FCRs are worth some money.  I respect what you guys do to get power from all your bikes, but a rider of my ability won't miss the 10HP the Kehins add on a 130HP bike.  Of course if I get them sorted out I'll probably want to keep them.  It should help resale down the road (cheap a$$ talking again).

DG, thanks for the ID and if you're interested in the Mikuni carbs for another project send me a message.