And here's teh cheapo way - worked for me, and worked very well. You go to 1st car shop and look for teh rubber tubes from the cooling system. The ones for HOT water, they usually are reinforced with a sting web. Buy those, as only they are strong enough - I bought once non-reinforced, and blow a hole in them, by engine-braking - suction was THAT strong. Anyway - you find a pipe like that, just make sure the diameter is somewhere close, cut it up to pieces, and trick is to slide it on the engine - but it's easy, once you heat them up a bit with hairdryer, and lube them a bit with oil for slickiness. And hey, presto - you have super-strong, good looking, long lasting, costing close-to-nothing carb boots.
I tried it once, and I'm sold. And don't worry about rubber quality - if it can whitstand coolant and boiling temperatures, a bit of fuel mixture passing throuhg is nothing for it

Try it - you can't do it cheaper than that!