I can relate with you and all to well. I'm at the university level, and I'm getting pretty tired of the legalities that go along with education... I could rant forever, but I won't.
Most important tool: your carefully thought outidea, next is safety glasses!!!!!!!
As for the bracket, I'm glad people are encouring the mock-up stage with cardboard and wire pays off. As for tools, there have been some good suggestions, but if you really want to learn and aren't in a terrible hurry, I'm going to suggest this: use hand tools and understand them before you jump right into power tools. You'll learn so much more about how the metal moves and what the tool can do, and when power become a necessary item, you'll be that much ahead. There are a lot of people that can go out and guy a grinder, a cut off wheel and a grinding disc, and they haven't the slightest idea what they are doing. Hand tools respond much better than power tools do, and you never have to worry about clipping bits of your fingers off (don't ask how I know.) Power tools can be invaluable, IF YOU UNDERSTAND THEM! Plan thoroughly, measure twice, plan a bit more, and then cut. Safety glasses are a must (I wasn't kidding before.) Post your mockup pictures here, I'm sure we will critique the process as you work on it. And even though we are here to help you, there will be an obviously large amount of time and work done where it is just you, your bike and your tools, so please, no matter what, BE CAREFUL***.
***This is think should be encouraged to/by everyone. Saftey when working on your bike (or your kitchen cabinets) should always be first, because as often as we may dread one anothers comments on these posts, I think we would all hate to see any one of us get hurt.