I used to believe that the USA was saving the world from itself. That an F15 on full re-heat was "The Sound of Freedom"...These days I'm not so sure. Maybe Ron Paul is asking the right questions.
All I know is that there are too many young men going back to the USA via Germany and the hospitals there. For what? And I mean no disrespect to Groovie.
Maybe a new president will remove the boys from Iraq.
Look at Vietnam...what a F*ck-up, but today it's moving along fine. Maybe if the USA gets the hell out of Iraq, the situation will take care of itself, the same way it did in Vietnam. I'm not talking appeasment to the Islamic fundametalist madmen, but a strategic withdrawal, if there is such a thing.
Anyway, if the USA hadn't come down to the South Pacific in '43 I would probably by now be working for a couple of Yen a day and speaking Japansese as a virtual slave under a militaristic regime based in Tokyo. Too harsh you think. Well think again!
So, as they say, God Bless America.