Just a point of observation and not intended to be derogatory. The media in the US has presented the aborigines as being highly discriminated against and oppressed by bigoted white Australians. Not likely I'll ever get there for a first hand witness of such events, though. But, if you believe what is presented here, it is widespread and pervasive throughout Australia.
Wasn't the Bosnia issue about bigotry?
What of the strife between peoples of Pakistan and India?
South Africa doesn't have racial issues? Rwanda? Mogadishu?
But, I can easily believe being mislead by a sensationalist media, wherever they are in the world. Growing up in Illinois/Chicago area, we were always told only about the worst news from California, and certainly anything with a racial bias. After moving to California, I noticed the news media bombarded the California public with all the worst events from Chicago, everywhere else in the nation, as well as the world. One had to wonder why you'd move to anywhere else in the world.
It's human nature to want to believe you live and exist in the best place in the world to be. The media is only too happy to reinforce those beliefs as that endears the audience to their "shows" masquerading as news informants.
It it's not just US media, either. I've listen to and watched news from the UK, Germany and other "news" feeds. They never fail to cast America in the worst light imaginable to reinforce hatred of a people. The same incidents that happen and get reported even semi favorably here, suddenly become near catastrophic and outrageous events when reported in another country. It's called spin and sensationalism. Even benign reports are tinted with outlandish undertones to cast Americans as unreasonable, mindless louts. It doesn't surprise me that other countries hate Americans. Our own media casts us in a poor light. And, media controlled by other governments certainly do nothing to endear Americans to foreign hearts. It's not in their best interest. "Keep the people fat, dumb, and happy" is one key to long lasting government stability. The media is a powerful tool toward that end.