Well it looks like I've upset you guys again by having an opinion that some here would label "America Bashing", which seems to me to be a convenient "Call to arms" for other patriotic Americans to jump in and ignore what they would otherwise agree with, to rally around the flag and defend their country's honor. Fair enough, we all love our countries, but that "patriotism" shouldn't cloud your reasoning.
Unfortunately there don't seem to be too many black Americans on this forum, (which, ironically, flies in the face of the bumper sticker that started off this thread) because I'd love to read what their thoughts on the subject are. Somehow I don't think that they'd necessarily agree that America is the world leader in creating a comfortable co-existence for non-white Americans that some here would suggest. Cheers, Terry.
Ok, Terry, keep on trollin'. No, I'm not an ignorant white flag-waving redneck, Terry. I've traveled around the world and seen these things myself. I'm not basing my stance on second-hand anti-American biased global media. You non-Americans just seem to love bashing America and exaggerating our perceived weaknesses. Well, except for the ones who spend so much energy trying to get here.
I'm proud of America, and I believe that things may not be perfect, but, on the whole, black people have it better here than they would anywhere else in the world, including Australia and the UK.
As for black Americans, why don't you let them speak for themselves, instead of putting your own ignorant words in their mouths. I'll remind you that you don't know me, or what I look like. You don't know my family or my children. All you know about me is that I grew up in The Bronx, and I'd vote for Colin Powell for President in an instant. Also, I'd rather see Obama Barack as the president than Hilary Clinton.