Author Topic: Looking at a '77 CB750A later today  (Read 1975 times)

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Looking at a '77 CB750A later today
« on: February 01, 2008, 07:49:06 AM »
A guy called me yesterday - I guess he heard how I am into these SOHC bikes now. Word travels fast lol.

Anyway, he has a '77 CB750 automatic that he is 'tired of looking at'. (how does that sound for a motivated seller?)

He said it is all there and was run awhile back. How much is too much for one of these?

I assume that aside from the gearbox, most of the other parts are interchangeable?

1978 CB750K8; 1970 CB450

Offline 05c50

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Re: Looking at a '77 CB750A later today
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2008, 09:12:12 AM »
There's been a few on ebay advertised as "rare". If I remember right,there was about 2500 1977 Hondamatics sold in the US. I don't know if this makes them rare,but there's not alot running around. But,there's not much demand for them. If the one you're looking at runs and doesn't look too bad (rust) it might be worth about $400-500. At first glance,it looks like many of the parts might interchange,but many of them are different. The frame is different-you can pull the head without taking the engine out. Things to check:Front brake hose,carb to intake boots,idle speed diaphragm,parking brake-none of these are available new and are almost impossible to find. If it's cheap enough,buy it. It's quite the conversation piece on bike night.

........just my thoughts, Paul
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Offline mmtsquid

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Re: Looking at a '77 CB750A later today
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2008, 10:05:34 AM »
Lucky guy - I'd love to find one of these for my wife.
While she passed the test, she's terrified of having to shift in traffic.
77 CB550K4