Well, as you can see in the BOTM thread, she got the new-to-her tank on. She really made that thing shine. I had no idea that was under the layer of crud we bought.
In other semi-related news...
We've been having to work on Kit's bike out in the community carport area all this time. Dragging tools in and out, worrying that if we walk away for a few minutes, some a-hole will come along and steal stuff. (has happened). Then there is the stray cat who keeps "marking" his territory all over our tires and 2 different bike covers of Kit's. (2 cuz some a-hole stole the first one) Went outside yesterday to find the cat had pissed all over Kit's brand new cover.
(It was all over my one hand.) I've repeatedly gone into the office to get them to put some humane traps out here to catch him. They keep saying they will, but nothing has ever been done. I've asked nicely for a while now about getting one of the garages here. The manager never gets back to us, ever. So a week ago, Kit found her and asked her again, face to face. She told her that there aren't any available so we are on a wait list. Yesterday, the cat thing hit once again and I had enough messing around with this. We are either getting a garage where we live or I will go rent one somewhere else. I don't care who gets the $$ but it was gonna happen this weekend. Kit deserves a garage, dammit.
Kit stayed in the car (smart woman there
) and I went in the office. I let loose on the one that was there, let her know we keep getting stuff stolen, pissed on (do ya think when I put my pissed-on fingers right up to her nose, it made a difference?), we've had someone back over mine and knock it on its right side (replaced muffler on that one)... on top of all that, I also let her know that our dishwasher hasn't worked for the
1.5 yrs we've lived here and the manager keeps sending the guy who knows nothing about that stuff so he does nothing. And why, by the way, do I keep having to come back in there over and over for the same things anyway?
(the last time I blew my stack at them like this, we had a brand new stove/oven the next day
She apologizes and tells me there is a garage right next to our building that has been open for a while.
She had no explanation on why we were put on a waiting list. I told her that I'm gonna go wash my hands in
her bathroom, run our errands (Kit's throttle cable and plug wires came in.
) and in the meantime, I want her to personally walk over there, open it up and make sure it is ready. We came back in about 2 hrs and she has the keys waiting for us. Kit loved it immediately. It's deep enough that we can fit both bikes in and put a car behind if needed. We put the cycles in right away and started loading our stuff in last night. We built and put her new plug wires and caps on last night. Will try to do the shocks tonight after she gets home from work. Getting it up on the center stand is rough.
Some other very good things happened in all of this, the one neighbor noticed we finally got a garage, we got to talking cuz she's had a lot of problems with the one manager too. I found out that miss manager has been asked to step down because of too many complaints. On top of that, I scored us some Elk steaks from the neighbor. hehe. They were good. We are having the rest tonight.
Alright, off to play mechanic on my own bike for once until Kit gets home from work.