The oil change may be done and completed and may have gone well without any other further incident!

Using Honda Co. 10w50 (I think that's what it is?) seems thick like honey and about the same color, too.
Turned the bike on, gas on, five little tickler twists of the throttle and vvvvRRRROOOOM!!!!
Started right up. That doesn't happen often, but it IS warmer than usual.
Oil light flickered, then went out (I had that bike SO empty!)
Nice, smooth idle, except for that cam chain noise.
Scary question.
When y'all tighten down the lock nut on your cam chain adjuster stud, does it ever get 'tight' and stop turning, or does it reach a 'firm' spot, but keep turning until it feels loose again, sorta, kinda like it might be stripped somewhere, even though the threads on the stud look fine?