hi there, kit!
so, its 4:38ish in the morning, and i started reading this resto-thread at around 11:30pm last night....couldn't "put it down", as it were!
its just more fuel to the carbs to get my 550 running proper and reliable, and i can't tell you what a valuable resource your thread will be on the journey.
its hard to comment on everything that has sparked an "oh-oh-oh!" in my head over 45 pages, but a few things popped out and really stuck with me, and i hope that it pleases you to know that your journey will make the passage of those who choose to tread your path an easier trail to navigate....
1. i share your sensibilities...stock, baby...stock. however, should stock prove "unreliable" (those cv carbs are looking mighty good to me...hope they can work with a 550!), purism be damned, and gimmie what lets me get from a to b and back without trouble! (but at least lets make it look "stock" as possible! hell, only the cb-geeks are gonna really know!)
2. i envy the bike-bond you can share with your dad (though i, too, got my humour from the old man. you remember that sh*t in your oil pan? that stuff, as humour....), and i only hope that what i learn from you lot here (and like it or not, kit...you're now a teacher. an imparter of wisdom.) will allow me to one day develop such a bond with the poor soul who gets born as my progeny!
3. if chaps are a**less, how exactly does one sh*t them?
i really don't know what exactly i'm trying to say...i feel like i've just experienced everything that you went through for the better part of 3 years in only a few hours, and its really quite difficult to articulate the effect that it has on me.
so i'll just say "congratulations! that is an enviable machine you've built..."
and if it comforts in any way, think of any future or current "bugs" like this....go out to the garage, throw your leg over samson, and try to get him to start/run like delilah does...thats how far you've come!
and though the journey may not yet be over, well...if it were, that would mean the bike or yourself had merged with the infinite...
so really, the bugs are a good thing!
ride on, sister...ride on!