ok, where would the timing light attach? The shop manual's instructions are a little vague, just saying " Get 1 or 4 near TDC, Compression. Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise and aline the 1.4 S-F mark with the index mark. The timing's correct if the narrow projection of the 1.4 pulser generator aligns with the rotor tooth.
...then, to adjust, loosen the plate screws and rotate the plate until it's aligned the way is says above.
Do I still need to go get a straw or something to stick down the spark plug hole of 1 or 4 to determine TDC compression? I'm not sure why it's so hard for me, but since the bike is running (just not starting when hot) I'd REALLY feel lousy if I killed it now.
TT, your reasoning is pretty much why I'm not really sure why the replacement of the pulser generators helped one guy on the 650 forum out at all. It doesn't make any sense to me. Then again, he hasn't posted any further info, so maybe that WASN'T the solution after all, but he won't admit it. The 650 forum seems a little spartan at times with their solutions.
I'm now wondering about the starter again and the ideal lubrication of the bushings, if perhaps they expand with heat and, with insufficient or inferior lubrication, 'stick'. They have just fantastic torque, though, when cold, so I would think it'd take something equally fantastic to make them stick.
OTOH, I know my oil pressure (and probably compression, too) go way up when the engine's good and warm, as evidenced by the heavy weeping down from my valve adjustment cover and from the head cover to a lesser extent. I'm wondering if, as Marti said, the increased compression would put more strain on the starter AND/OR since the old oil was so muddy/filthy, if this starting issue is at least slightly improved now with clean (and probably slightly lighter bodied considering the previous contaminant) oil. I have to admit, I forgot to check the difference after the oil change.
As long as it runs, I'll ride the hell out of it. Even with all this stuff going on, the oil bolt crap with needing to grind it off, the leaks, the etc etc, school, exams, and work, I've still gotten in around 70 miles. It's not much, and you guys probably do twice that in a day, but I'm still really learning and it's more than this bike has done in a while. so there.