Today is just... one of those days.
Was going to ride to work with Mickey, but while switching out the leaky gasket with one from Samson, we notice the thread we helicoiled was kinda effed up. Somehow the leading edge of the helicoil had started pulling out and up, so it wrecked the bolt that went into it, too. Grr.
Pulled a bolt from Samson. MX went up to get ready for work, and I pulled the helicoil out, 'freshened up' the threads, and ran a 2nd helicoil, which went in great, and would have worked had the tang snapped off, instead of trying to take the bottom two spirals with it. Yanked that helicoil. Freshened up the threads. MX left for work without me.

Ran the third helicoil. It went in beautifully. Tang snapped off beautifully. Put everything together. Got ready for a ride. Went out on a ride and totally enjoyed the new fork springs. Might be a little pogo-ish, but I'm just happy it doesn't dive anymore when I hit the brakes.
Rode all over the goddess's creation.
Came home. Pondered leaving the bike running in neutral while I unlocked the garage and opened the door. Figured what the hell, the charging's fixed. I charge at 1500. I might as well shut 'er down and open the door. I do.
I hop on the bike to start it again and...
But, by the grace of God I get the damn thing started.
...then it quits on me just as I get my front wheel up into the garage (there's a ramp incline up into it) so there's no way in hell I can walk it in.
Assuming for whatever reason that it'll eventually start, I hit the starter button a few times, and it humors me with a couple quick turns before running way down again.
I try for 15 minutes to bump start it. No dice, batman. I run the damn thing down the long hill that is our street. No starty. It'd kinda sound like it'd start on one or two cylinders, but then nothing again.
So I got to the bottom and ran out of free parking spots. I hoped my previously sprained knee was braced well enough and pushed the heavy damn bike-shaped paperweight back up to a parking spot where she's still sitting, cooling off. I'll give 'er an hour and try again, I guess. That used to work.
I'm just at wit's end. I can't name a single part in that whole starting system that hasn't been replaced and/or cleaned. Could I have busted new components? WTF? When I eventually get it back into the garage, I'm going to replace the new LED bulbs in the back with the old incandescents because even though that's not likely to be 'it' that's the only thing I've changed in the entire electrical system since the bike was running and starting perfectly.
I'm at wits end here, this is #$%*ed up. What the hell.