wow..this has been a stunning tale to say the least. Cville, thanks for sharing all of the highs and lows you've endured. what you were able to do with that bike was impressive to say the least. part of me thinks that this comes down to the right old kook living in the right state to get away with 'reclaiming' his bike after parting with it, what, 15 years ago? but to me it seems that the evidence points in another direction..a man who knew an opportunity when he saw it. especially his knowing the DMV laws of his state so well as to lay claim to this motorcycle after listing it as 'sold' to the dmv and the failure of that workshop to register it. and the part where he insisted that he wasn't buying the bike from you but paying for your work...especially since he signed the title over as 'sold' long ago. man, that's either insanity or a con-man at work. notice he didn't put up a stink with the shop that did the work? that's because they have more resources and business savvy (sorry cville) than a garage hobbyist. but in the end, what could have been a thorn in your side for god knows how long has been loaded onto a trailer and gone from your life. here's hoping that bike doesn't end up on ebay some day soon with a $1,500 reserve. perhaps he just wants to pass it along to a son or grandkid. either way Cville, there's another bike waiting for the likes of you to come along. hope the two of you find one another soon!