Author Topic: Want to ride?  (Read 1572 times)

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Offline Chris Schneiter

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Want to ride?
« on: August 03, 2005, 10:29:25 AM »
I'm looking to put together a vintage riders group in West Michigan. Any interest?
CB750 K6

Offline MikeDeB

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Re: Want to ride?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2005, 12:38:48 AM »
I'm looking to put together a vintage riders group in West Michigan. Any interest?

If I lived over there I sure would be.  I'm in central Michigan and we have a small, informal, group of riders that are into vintage Japanese, British & Italian bikes.  Not to mention a few modern Japanese and Italian bikes.  We get together about 2 to 3 times a week for rides and on Friday nights we get together to work on bikes or sit around telling stories.  Great fun!   ;D
Mike (Old SOHC/4 #2641)
Holt, MI
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Offline Kevin D

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Re: Want to ride?
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2005, 01:36:50 PM »
 I'm in eastern MI, Wayne county. My Saturday morning jaunts have taken me as far as Meredian road near Mason, but I am looking for excuses to go further.

 Have you guys seen "Motorcycling across Michigan" by William Murphy from Arbutus press? Michigans best back roads, small towns, history, lighthouses....
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Offline Chris Schneiter

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Re: Want to ride?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2005, 08:05:02 AM »
Hey guys...Perhaps we could do a state wide thing..I've been talking with a guy in Ann Arbor, who knows a guy in Royal Oak, and one in the Lansing area...maybe we could form a loose group who get together in a chosen location for a "Meet" or to just ride and share our experiences with our old classics. It wouldn't  necessarily have to be just SOHC4s (although it would be cool), but vintage classics like Dreams, old BMWs, Triumphs, early Kawasakis , whatever...we might even have some newer bikes. I've told a few people, that I've ridden down to the AMCA ( Meet down in Wauseon Ohio (about an hour south of Jackson). Last year, the '69 CB750 Sandcast was inducted as a full antique. Wouldn't it be a be a gas to get a bunch of people with old classics and ride down to that show for the weekend? I get stares and questions wherever I go (ok, maybe it's because I'm hideous!)...wouldn't it be fun to go as a group...a rolling bike show? My email is on my thread. If you're interested, or if you know anyone, email me, and we'll start compiling names. State where you are, and maybe what you ride and we can do group mailings to each other.. then we can decide when and where we want to get together.
I just fixed my headlight and haven't ridden enough this summer, so I wouldn't mind getting going on this soon! Or maybe in the nice fall weather..
CB750 K6