Heffay's an MMI grad. Mentions it quite a bit.
I've only had basic small engine training, as well as Briggs & Stratton and Honda service schooling, but nothing specific to motorcycles.
now i feel like an ass

oh well, its kindof a timekeeper for my life, ya know? 1998 i was at MMI, 2001 i moved onto college, way back in '93 i was dating that dumb #$%*... etc.
yep... graduated in 99 and continued to work for Metro Motorsports in Glendale, AZ then transferred to Town and Country Motorsports in Chandler, AZ. ran from the biz in 2000 after having enough of the politics in the huge stealerships... "just get it running and out the door, i don't care if its fixed" is what i was told more than once.
i gave it another shot at Cycles of Boulder when i first moved here but that was short lived due to heading to college.
it was still a crappy place to work though and was bought out after i left.
i plan to open a shop someday but, for now, i'm content to only be working on my own stuff, my girlfriend's, my dad's, my stepmom's... basically stuff i don't get paid for

two friends that i've met w/in the past two years graduated from MMI 3 years ago... they were my neighbors and we started chatting one day about their harleys in front of the house and low and behold we went to the same school... only they paid 2 1/2 times what i paid for tuition!
oh! and when the 350f started puking oil in paonia and the beemer shop hauled it back for me... a guy was out eyeballing it when i came to pick it up... he looked terribly familiar. come to find out, we went to MMI together.
tis a very small world.