when i first bought the 350, an ex girlfriend gave me 300 bucks toward the purchase for learning to ride privileges. she did ride it but only a couple of times. thank god her interest waned. 2 people, one bike, never works. anyway, the point to the story was the name. i become way to clever for my own good sometimes and that's where this name came from... working off the adam and eve thing, it was named "atom and eve"... because, it was the bomb that i finally had a bike again (the first one in 5 years since i grad'd MMI), it was her first bike and it was kindof a guy/girl endeavor... that name died and she soon came to be known as "baby". you know... little itty bitty bike, my baby, etc.
my kawasaki zx7r is appropriately dubbed "kiwi" for its GREENNESS and a play on kawi
elizabeth's kawasaki ex500 goes by the "ducktacktylpus" moniker... its a long story!