Well, I guess none of you conspiracy believers actually saw the buildings with the big, smoking holes in them and the people jumping to their deaths.
If you had, you would be aware that they both stood for quite some time before they eventually collapsed onto themselves. In fact, an amazingly large number of people managed to escape from WTC 1, WTC 2, and the surrounding buildings before they all were ultimately destroyed.
I wonder why, if there were mythical explosives planted in the buildings as many conspiracy theorists have postulated, would the mythical conspirators not have simply detonated the explosives upon the airplanes' impacts? Why would the mythical conspirators take the risk of letting the buildings stand for hours before detonating the explosives?
What if the mythical triggering devices were damaged or became inaccessible due to the impact of the giant airplanes? Then where would the mythical conspirators have been? Had these mythical devices not detonated, then the (non-existent) evidence would have been there for all too see. This ignores the question of how and when these mythical explosives could have been planted, unnoticed, in the first place. Ever notice how long it takes demolition crews to plant explosives in buildings that are being demolished?
Having visited the World Trade Center many times before September 11, 2001, and then seeing the destruction first-hand a couple days after, I was not the least bit surprised that WTC7 caught on fire and eventually went down. Witness also the serious damage that was done to the Deutsche Bank building, which was completely across Liberty Street from the WTC complex. Let's not forget that hundreds of firefighters that would have been fighting the fires in WTC 7 were killed when towers 1 and 2 went down, too.
Note also that there was no attempt made to hide the details of the attacks and the destruction from ordinary folk. There were over 40,000 police officers, firemen, and construction workers that had access to that site after the destruction. Many of these men and women were enlisted "out of the blue" to help with the lengthy recovery and cleanup operations. Over the several months that followed, not a single shred of evidence of any conspiracy was uncovered by these men and women.