I'm with Soos except add some (lots) of rum or whiskey. It'll make you forget about whatever it was for the short term. You're gonna feel like #$%* anyway so you may as well enjoy it the best you can. If you're really insistent, treat the symptoms (since you can't kill the bug with medication) until it goes away. 1 week or 7 days whichever occurs first usually.
Antihistamines such as Benadryl (diphenhydramine-most drowsiness) or Zyrtec or Claritin (least drowsiness and perhaps less effective) for runny nose & sneezing. Plus they dry up sinus drainage that makes your throat raw. There are numerous antihistamines in between these also.
Sudafed (pseudoephedrine-still available behind the counter due to the meth/crank heads) or Sudafed PE (phenylephrine-less effective) to open up the stuffy/congested nose and sinus. These may keep you awake at night, increase heart rate and blood pressure however. Read the box warnings on antihistamines and decongestants pertaining to potential problems with diabetes, prostate, blood pressure, thyroid, glaucoma, etc. You can always use a nasal spray for congestion whether oxymetazolone or saline. Either of these are much safer if there are side effect considerations that need to be heeded with saline being the safest.
Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) for fever and pain.
Robitussin (guiaifenesin) to thin out the secretions of chest congestion so it can be coughed up or Robitussin DM with the added dextromethorphan for chest congestion with a BAD cough. The DM can stop a mild productive cough that brings up the phlegm so only get that if you just can't live with that damn bad ass (pharmaceutical term) cough any longer.
Whiskey or Rum as stated earlier.
A lot more sleep than you have been getting.
Lots of fluids.
Heed this advice. AND, don't bug your pharmacist at the present time about your whiney ass cold. He is probably sick as a dog from trying to treat everyone else. Plus he is working his ass off trying to deal with this damn flu epidemic. Your cold is sissy anyway compared to the flu.
Thank you.