Nothing related to shooting things or fire... but here goes.
The first industrial accident I saw involved a busy shop, a accountant, and a 25HP radial arm drill press.
I was working as a machinists trainee at this shop in layton, UT.
The drill press was a OLD bugger, and I was warned from day one, don't get caught in a chip, the brake does not work.
So after being there for about 3 weeks, we are SWAMPED with work, so some of the office staff came out to run a few machines(many of the were machinists before office personell).
One late 40's gentleman was being instructed on how to safely drill these 4 1/2 holes, then ream them.(pivot bore for a tilting extension boom)
Well, the first half of the day, not too bad.
I watche4d him for a while, and noticed he was wearing gloves, and even brushing chips away (while drilling) from the hole.
I told him that wearing gloves was a bad thing on a drill press, and how to break the chips so they do not get too long.
He did listen on how to break chips, but continued to wipe away the chips by hand(mind you this was a 4 7/16 drill bit going through 12" square tube with 1" thick walls.)
After lunch, the first thing after the buzzer we heard was a BLOOD curdling yell from over by the drill press.
By the time anyone was near enough to help, the drill had come to a stop, his arm was twisted around the drill bit almost 2 full revolutions.
Every time they hit the drill with a drill drift he would scream and turn white as a ghost.
The paramedics then cut the chips in pieces, and unwound his arm off the drill bit.
The blood... ughhh. I almost puked.
The bones that were poking out at horrid angles, i cannot describe the feeling just seeing such an injury.
He did come back however.
He was the person to fill the "saftey inspector" position they made just for him.
He was out for 7 weeks, and the x-rays showed 12 (14?) breaks from fingers to every major bone in the arm.
His leg was sore as well....
They had to do skin grafts from his butt, to his knee to help his arm.
Have seen fingers lopped off in large key seating machines, among other minor injuries.
I pray I remember them all, so i never have an industrial accident....
Listening to a guy who has advice for you and is missing one or less fingers, thats not crazy.
Listening to the advice from the guy who lost two(or more) fingers/limbs, to two separate incidents doing the same thing.... thats crazy.
And yes, I have met someone missing 2 fingers. Both accidents stemming from the same problem.
He snipped the first off accidentally, while trying to set the first stroke, had his hand in the wrong area, got distracted, and WHOP, lost a finger.
The second time he said he was DEMONSTRATING how it happened, and he must have not realized a cutter was in the keyseater, cause he cut off the finger next to the last one he cut off.
We called him Lucky. After watching him machine for about a year, I quickly understood why.
He is lucky to be breathing. He tossed items large as a car out of a VTL once, and off of a Horiz. mill as well.
Man has this gotten off topic....
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