Harry,I actually tried to do this about 2 weeks ago,I needed a new filter and was going to replace it with a uni or K&N filter,but I did not know if I needed to re jet the carbs or not , I really didn't want the hassle,so I bought a new filter from honda. Just for kicks, I cut the paper out of the old filter to see if I could replace it with some uni foam I had around the shop.Well, this experiment did not go well at all. After cutting the paper out of the housing what remained was a thick yellow glue that is impossible to get off.If I could get that glue off I could probobly make it work, but with it on, I don't think it would be a smooth enough surface to glue the new foam to.Anyway the new filter works great so it all turned out well.the old filter is in the trash. Good Luck ,Fergie.