You've got it duster. I'm trying to push myself to thin the load down a shade. Problem is, I
don't seem to make any headway. Not long after I joined the group, Terry (of Australia)
commented that it seemed like I needed to thin things out some and I agree but, just can't seem
to find a starting point. Know what I mean? I'm bad about scrounging up things and my wife will
back that statement. Gonna have to do something to make room for that sidecar that I should be
getting in the next few days. It's gonna be tough cause, my garage (1-car), storage building
(12 x 14), swing set frame w/canvas over it, and 12 x 20 portable canopy (like a free standing
carport made with tubing covered by tarps) are running over now with project bikes and parts.
My 750, w/ the sidecar attached to it, is gonna have to be inside. I'm going to need a lot of luck
to accomplish this. Later on, Bill