I am about 90% into a '71 cb750 resto and have come across a '72 cl450 bike with title/key and mostly complete but the engine is seized. How are these bikes compared to the 750's to work on? Is it worth trading an SKS for? My instincts say yes, but what are ya'lls opinions?
I don't know what to tell you about the availability of parts, except to check Ebay and the
CB450DOHC.com site and with mikedialect of here and the
hondatwins.com. I've got
some too! But, I've also got some 450s that I want to get going. Now, I have no idea what an SKS is worth but, I'd think you'd get more out of it, if you could sell it and buy the 450. Just my thoughts. The choice is yours, of course. Might not take much to break the motor loose on the bike and, then again, it might. It DOES mean a lot that it is so complete. Some of those pieces aren't as available and those that are, can be costly at times.
Later on, Bill