My bro and I in July 2002 drove a 1976 ex U-Haul box truck w/ over 500,000 miles on it to Mid-Ohio Vintage MC Days jam-packed w/ piles of junk bikes and parts. This was my 1st trip there, I was promised it was a an event not to be missed. Truck had a top speed of 49 mph on level ground; the uphills in Pa it'd do maybe 44, I kept an hourly log like a prisoner counting his sentence. It was so bad it was fun. Vinyl seats in July. No radio. We left at 4am, and the temp gauge was TOPPED-OUT the entire trip. At one of the gas stops, we noticed a pinhole leak in the radiator going pssssss, so we bought bubble gum to try to patch it (didn't work). We left it idling during fillups 'cause we were afraid it wouldn't restart motor was so hot. By 5PM it reached critical mass and radi exploded so we pull off I-80 in Akron in the WORST neighborhood imaginable. At the 1st corner we see MACKEY RADIATOR SHOP so we pull in. "We're closed" "please help, sniff" "Ok, we'll stay late and fixit" So we're hanging-out there drinking beer w/ the crew, , I look DIRECTLY across the street and there's an AIR-CONDITIONED TITTY BAR open for HAPPY HOUR. We had nothing better to do, it was 100 degrees out, we were thirsty, bored and had a couple hours to kill, so we went w/ the flow...
The bald caucasion white-color w/ ties and suits patrons were eating delivered pizza while getting lap-dances from big fat black chics who were also chewing on pizza while dancing. The rug was so wrinkled, I tripped on it several times. It was a total freak show.
Got to Mid-Ohio at midnite after 20 hours on the road (550 miles), the last 75 miles after the radiator incident was another event because the truck lights and wipers kept going on and off by themselves during the pouring thunderstorm, we just kept going, set-up our junk 1st thing in the morning, made a killing and sold EVERYTHING, drove home Monday w/o incident eating Choco-Tacos at every rest stop.
True story. I crack-up everytime I think about.