At this stage I'm focussing on a regulator apparently suited to late 60's early 70's HD sporsters, some of which I think also used 12N7 batteries.
Most of the regulators (incl this one) that I've seen have voltage set points between 14.1 and 15.1. These appear to be above my original (13~14 Cut-in), but that extra voltage /current to the battery would be more of a battery consideration than a generator concern, wouldn't it?
If we assume (without making an ass out of you or me) that the generator might not be adversely affected at the higher level of output, wouldn't it still be adversely affected at outputs between idle and driving rpm (2000rpm) i.e. until the generator achieves rated output (7 amps at 12V) and also exceeds the likely current level in the battery.
I ask this because it's my (very limited) understanding that where the battery current/voltage exceeds the generator output, current flow from the battery to the generator is only limited or prevented by the reverse current (relay?) switching in the regulator.
This is my main concern. If I fit a regulator which allows battery current above 7 amps to flow to the generator at low revs, would that battery current at best, lower the battery storage quicker or at worst, cause damage to the generator during start-up/idle etc. Also, if the reverse current switching was at say, 8amps or higher, wouldn't the current flow from battery to generator at all generator outputs below that level.
Also, the B+ to the regulator and reg/gen wiring are independent of power/ign switch (normal?). If engine shutdown occurs before reverse current switching in the regulator, wouldn't the battery continue to drain to the generator.
Alternately, . Have I missed the obvious?
Are you saying that the reverse current switching in the regulator occurs at a predetermined voltage (say 12V), regardless of the associated current.
If this is the case, the regulator rating say (10A) only rely relates to the regulators abilty to handle current up to that level. In which case also, regardless of the generator considerations, its the current limit of any battery/current supply to be connected to it