Author Topic: Royal Enfield Bullet  (Read 2589 times)

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Offline dustyc

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Royal Enfield Bullet
« on: February 25, 2008, 05:01:27 PM »
I ran across one today with about 2k miles.  The owner said it's for sale, so I asked what he was looking to get for it and he said make an offer and it's really negotiable. 

Anyone familiar with these? 
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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2008, 06:15:19 PM »
Yeah they are a relic of british colonial rule in India.  I rode one when I lived in India.  They are a single cylinder 500cc bike that has around 12-15 hp.  They are kind of interesting if you are into that, but on the whole I do not like them because very little has been changed in them since they were originally introduced in the fifties.

Offline mj_honda

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2008, 06:45:38 PM »
Don't know much about the bikes but the hp is more like 20-24 if you are looking at a new model.

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2008, 07:09:30 PM »
Don't know much about the bikes but the hp is more like 20-24 if you are looking at a new model.

           And they make a 350cc along with the 500cc single.

            More input here:

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 09:00:31 PM »
Sorry, I am a bit negative about them because of my (I will admit) brief experience with one. (only a few months)  I am just not one to appreciate a bike of that type.  Again sorry for the negative reply off the bat.

Offline mattcb350f

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2008, 09:06:42 PM »
I've got an old cycle mag with a small article on the Enfields around here somewhere...
...I'll return here when I find it with more info  8)

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Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 09:29:22 PM »
Bill, I'm pretty sure the 350s aren't offered here.

Bullets are the proverbial "pretty face".
If the owner really hates you, he'll give it to you for free.
Owners who insist on punishing themselves for evil thoughts tend to keep them and gradually become either great mechanics or decent philosphers.
Have you wondered out loud why he wopuld be selling such a pristne example for so cheap?  (hint; are guns allowed to be fired within city limits where you live?)
Ever wonder why there is a steady suply of them on Ebay?

It takes an additional $5K minimum in after-market parts to make them a halfway decent bike.

As you ponder these things and dig deeply into the info that hides around so many corners, forget you heard this from me.  You will wake up one day and think this was all in your head from birth.  Of course that's actually true- you just needed a reminder.

On the other hand, if it helps put some lead in your pencil when you ride down to Dairy Queen to impress the retirement home babes out for a bus ride, by all means get one.  (Just don't go anywhere)

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Offline crazypj

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2008, 12:23:21 AM »
They are eligible for vintage racing as is still made to 1955 spec.
 The 'tuned' version get 27bhp (but I'm sure I could get quite a bit more  ;D)
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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2008, 01:30:36 AM »
They don't call them Royal Oilfields for nothing, they make Triumphs and Nortons look oil-tight :o

My friend's Dad has owned a mid '60s 350 Bullet for years, looks great in his garage with all the polished bits, but it's the BSA sat alongside it that's pulled out whenever he's planning on actually riding anywhere ;D
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2008, 05:03:21 AM »
They are eligible for vintage racing as is still made to 1955 spec.
 The 'tuned' version get 27bhp (but I'm sure I could get quite a bit more  ;D)

           PJ, I'm sure YOU could get more out of them! ;D ;) You seem to have a knack for that. :)

           As for the negative input here, EVERYONE has their own opinion and experiences and that's fine. But, The R.E. has managed to keep their brand ALIVE for all this time and THAT particular motor design has been used for over FIFTY years. The old ones were leakers, I'm sure, as were numerous other British bikes, but folks have their favorites and it has been proven that they will do whatever is needed to keep them going the best they can. Personally never heard them called "Royal Oilfields" myself (and that doesn't mean that they weren't called that by some. Matter of fact, there were probably nicknames for a great number of those old bikes from back then. There are a pretty good number of Bullet owners out there (and there IS a forum for them too!) that would probably put up an argument about their bikes like we would for the Hondas.         
2 complaints that I have with R.E. are that they moved the gearshift from the right side to the left (I know why, but I still didn't like it) and the fact that there wasn't enough interest to keep the big Twins going too! I've been around a number of the 500, 700 and 750cc Enfields (even though the 500 and 700 models, I was around, were badged as Indians) and those bikes (back then, at least) seemed to do a lot of miles with little work. Don't remember them leaking as much as the others either. Now, that's the experience that I have (which seems to be different than others). Just my 2-cents worth. What I'm trying to say is, we all have our favorites AND we will either put up with whatever, or try to improve whatever just to keep on riding.           

                                   Later on, Bill :) ;)
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2008, 10:53:54 AM »
Bill, I'm pretty sure the 350s aren't offered here.

Ever wonder why there is a steady suply of them on Ebay?

It takes an additional $5K minimum in after-market parts to make them a halfway decent bike.

        First Uncle, there are some of those 350s here, although maybe not newer ones.

        Secondly, I have seen some on ebay, but not a steady supply of them.

        Thirdly, IF you decide to build them using Factory stuff, here are the possibilities.

                 These prices are in addition to getting a bike.

         For about $2325-2375, you can convert it to this look.       

         For about $2401-2750, you can have this

         And, for about $1896, you can have this look


         Now, if anyone's interested, go here and see just what you get for those prices. There are a number of enthusiasts for these bikes. Either they ARE your cup of tea or they Aren't, that's all. :)

                                    Later on, Bill :) ;)
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Offline dustyc

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2008, 05:49:41 PM »
Thanks for the input so far.

This one has a pile of fenders and parts beside it and clubmans and a cafe seat on it, no padding or cover on the seat, just primered fiberglass.  I think it's a relatively new bike.  I don't know if it runs or not.  He said he had a bunch of them, but has sold all but that one.

My list of pros and cons:
I don't have any money to speak of to spend on another project.  Unless it was $200 it would be too expensive for me.  I like the overall style of it, but the look of the engine doesn't really call out to me as a thing of beauty(except for the single pipe coming off the engine -I like that).  The right side shift would probably be a pain in my arse.  Of course he could just want out of it and let it go for near nothing, so I could have a project to clean up and sell on that I wouldn't have an attachment to.

All in all, I don't think I'm going to pursue this one.  Maybe if I see him again in a couple months and he still has it I might go after it.
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2008, 07:13:33 PM »

  I think it's a relatively new bike. 

 The right side shift would probably be a pain in my arse. 

          If it's got a right side gearshift, either it's older than you think, it's had a conversion kit put in or (if the non U.S. models had the right side shift) maybe that is the answer. I know that there was a certain year that the shift was swapped over to the left side but, I don't remember when or if it was worldwide or not. For MY taste, the right side shift would be a plus (cause the ones I grew up around, had the right side. They weren't speed bikes or anything unless reworked. My Grandfather had a 55' Indian Woodsman (basically an R.E. 500cc Bullet built like an "Enduro" before they called them that. The fellow who eventually bought the bike, stripped it down, built the motor and raced it (running it on alcohol) and did quite well. I understand that that type of bike isn't for everyone. ;)

                                   Later on, Bill :) ;)   
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2008, 11:26:34 PM »
I like 'em, I had a few 500's and 350's when I was a kid, I even had a 350 powered Go-Kart! It'd do 105 Mph in a straight line, trouble was, it was that heavy in back that it wouldn'y go around corners! I bought it off the owner/builder who sailed over a farm fence into a boggy paddock when it failed to go around a bend at maximum warp, and he was happy to take the 30 bucks I paid him for it!

The Brits had them made in India to save money on labour, and they have only just got back the right to use the "Royal" part of their name. The old factory kept pumping these bikes out for mainly local and "Other third world country" sales, and things like "Total Quality Control" were never practised, so the product suffered much like the English bikes of the 1970's, and that's where most of the bad feedback comes from.

They're still an "Aquired taste", but a true motorcycle lover will still enjoy one now, probably for the same reason we like our 30+ year old bikes, these things have survived from their original manufacture in the 1940's to now, with only minor concessions to modern expectations, like fancy "electric starters" and "electronic ignition" etc. Personally, I'd rather a 750 Interceptor, they were very fast, and easy to push when they inevitably broke down! Cheers, Terry. ;D   
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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2008, 08:05:57 AM »
I wanted one like Bill's middle picture in the worst way for a long time.  After the local dealer refused to sell me one the second ot third time, I started researching instead of just jumping in. 
The overall consensus was they should come with a skull and crossbones on the tank.  Regular folks spent a fair amount of money to make them decent, and AHRMA racers put in between $10 and $15K. 
So- I got an SR500 and found I couldn't start it.
Now Enfields have E-start. 

I'm waiting for Kawasaki to bring a 600 Estrella over here.  I would be on that right off. 
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Offline dusterdude

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2008, 09:30:42 AM »
left side shift came around in the mid 70`s,thats when harley changed the sportster.
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2008, 09:47:30 AM »
left side shift came around in the mid 70`s,thats when harley changed the sportster.

        Thanks for that duster. ;) I was thinking in the 70's but wasn't sure. After having the shift on the right for so long (and with the "Neutral Finder" right above it), it didn't seem right to me to move it like that. But, nobody asked me about it. ;D ::) I CAN see where some folks might be thrown off by that.

         I'm with Terry of Oz, about the Interceptor. I had some experience with a 66' or 67' (don't remember exactly) and it was a blast to ride and run it would! :o ;)

                                      Later on, Bill :) ;)

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Re: Royal Enfield Bullet
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2008, 11:12:13 AM »
The main reason for the switch over bill was because of safety. Basically making the left shift right brake lay out standard for all manufacturers to make bikes more user friendly...then again if i get that Trophy im gonna be looking at the right hand shift thing anyways so its moot with me lol
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