Anyone else suffer from this? Numbness in fingers? Hands hurting? Makes it really hard to grip a throttle...especially one with a strong return spring.
I seem to have developed this over the last three weeks or least to the point that the classic symptoms appeared. Sounds like the fix is to have your wrists slit!
Linky to a description....
Yes I suffered from exactly what you are talking about. It was not isolated to riding the bike but it did make it almost impossible for me to ride. It also got worse so it intruded into non riding activities. There were times I would take double doses of Advil AND Motrin since my pain was unbearable and my hands burned.
I went to a Physical Medicine Physician not a Chiropractor or a Surgeon. If fact it was a Surgeon who suggested I go this route. This is how they diagnosed the problem properly.
1. They perform a test using sensors attached to each finger. They take a fine needle, very thin and it barely pierces the skin. They put a tiny voltage so small you cannot feel into the needle. This is routed through a Laptop Computer. What they are doing is measuring the amount of voltage it takes to get to your fingers and how fast it gets there. This is done from various locations along the nerve pathways. Takes like 15 minutes and no discomfort. In classic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, the time is below normal and the number of milliamps. I had touch of it, but I was in the acceptable range.
2. I was sent for an MRI of my neck based what he saw in tests. I found an open sit down MRI so it was in no way creepy. That showed a very slight bulge in one neck disc but nothing to worry about. Once it was established no big deal
l was given wrist range of motion test. Bingo.
There is a sheathing called a Fascia surrounding your muscles. It has been long overlooked but when people who have had surgery and it failed to help, the Fascia was the actual problem. A tight Fascia squeezes the muscles which in turn squeezes the nerves. Holding you hands in one position while driving can bring on the numbness.
I was given very simple exercises to stretch the Fascia and increase the range of motion. I also wear wrist braces when I SLEEP. It turns out many of us put our wrists in odd positions and hold then there when we sleep. The braces prevent that from happening.
It has been two years and I am using my wrists and riding. On the bike I put some vibration dampening stuff in the handlebars and went to gel grips. The gel grip rubber "sticks" to my fingers so I don't need to squeeze the grips as much .