would you have taken it less personally and w/ less offense if it said you were still uncool instead of stooping to curse words?
that must be a pretty high hilltop you've perched on, looking out over all the minuscule subjects.
i thought it was hilarious but i'm from colorado where we are all d!ckheads anyway and can take a joke.
I didn't take it personally. The offense was the insulting nature of it. Could care less about curse words, those are all throw-aways.
It's interesting that you equate insults with jokes. Perhaps you still have the brain of a teenager? I just said that so you could get a big laugh, btw. You're welcome.
If I am on a hilltop, then I strive to bring everyone up with me, out of the watery depths below. I suppose, in your mind it would be far funnier to push them back into the fetid water.
One of the reasons why I share what knowledge I have so freely, is to elevate them, not keep them down..
But, you are right, there are d!ckheads that simply refuse to climb up hill as that is just too hard. Better to be carried to that perch, right Mr. businessman?
Laugh till you cry. Again, you're welcome.