If you verified power to the connector, and the connector pin/socket is ok, you should be able to rejoin the connector and verify power onwards to the H/L switch.
But to be sure of good connection, with connector unplugged, bridge the blue /white wire connection (For this, connect your test light or meter ground to the same ground pin you used to get power at the connector (on ign side). Once you verify power to the H/L switch, then step across the H/L switch. If you have power across the H/L switch, you should be able to get power at the HL bulb (either/or Blue Or White wire.)
Try this sequentially using the same ground pin you used to get power at the connector.
Be careful to use the Green ground applicable to the HL in the connector, as Clymer's indicates two green wires thru that connector. Diagram shows green ground wire you need is central in the connector?
If you fail to get power at any point, it would indicate a open circuit, possibly caused by broken wire (not most likely, but not impossible)
If you get power at each point out to the HL bulb, your assumption of a ground problem would seem correct.
Assuming you verify power to the power side of the bulb, connect a bridging wire from the HL ground terminal/wire at the H/L to the same ground pin in the connector (ignition side)you used to verify power up to the bulb.
Does the HL work, when switched on?
If so, the ground problem is between the HL and the connector (which could be bad wire or pin connection between the HL side and the ign side.) Verify this by rechecking from the HL ground terminal point to a frame ground. If the HL also works with this ground, but still refuses to work with the Connector plugged in, the fault is almost certainly the connector/pins or ground wiring back to the HL.
Good Luck.................................................Geof