I've finally got my CB400f running after sitting in a damp shed for 18years. I had to fix a couple of things (refurbish the master cylinder, brake piston, unstick the clutch plates, replace the ignition bits, swap some tires and clean out the carbs and replace al the rubbers inside), but now it's running. Running stationary at 1200rmp is fine and it can also rev up to 9000rpm, but i have this massive flat spot between 2000 and 3000rpm. If i gently increase the throttle, the revs go up to about 2000, then it hangs a bit even if i increase the throttle and then it jumps to about 3000rpm. If i engage first gear and try to drive off, i have to make sure revs stay well above 3000 otherwise it nearly dies on me.
The problem is worse when the engine is warm. After reading a bit on the forum, it could be that the engine is running too rich. I didnt have the chance to inspect my spark plugs at these rmps yet, but at stationary revs the plugs are nicely brown as they should be.
As the flat spot occurs at low revs i wonder what could help me. Dropping the needle one step? Opening the air screws a bit further? Or should i start spending money on new main/slow jets and needles?
Any help or hints would be appreciated.