A couple years ago here, a pair of gay guys were in a bar and one of the patrons started hassling them. Eventually they left the bar, went outside and got in their van to leave. The guy followed them out and began punching the driver through his car window.
Attacker got his arm caught up in the seat belt and was dragged some distance - considerable damage to his feet etc.
A jury decided against the driver saying that while driving away from an attacker might have been reasonable, he should have stopped before he did and let the guy (helped the guy) get un-stuck.
In the movie Pulp Fiction when Jules and Vincent are discussing whether Marsellous Wallace should have thrown a guy out of a window for flirting with his wife, Vincent argues that the guy shouldn't have done been flirting with her, but didn't deserve to be thrown out a window and have his back broken for it. Vincent's reply:
Doesn't matter whether he deserved it or not, what did he think was gonna happen? Motherf*cker shoulda f*ckin' known f*ckin better.
I think there should be a 'Motherf*cker shoulda f*ckin' known f*ckin better' defense in law:
If you hadn't been in other people's houses, they wouldn't have chased you down and shot your a**. If you hadn't been sticking your fist in other peoples cars, they wouldn't have dragged your dumba*s across town.
Honestly, why are we rewarding freakin' sociopaths? Christ, that kinda stuff aggravates me.
(/rant off) (/hijack off)