WAAAAY off the motorcycle topic...
I've got an 01 neon I bought back in' 04 for a great deal at a used car place. It's run faithfully and maybe even a little scary-fast on occasions. The only problem is the PO lowered the suspension and put on low-profile wheels. It's always hit speed bumps, potholes, etc way unnecessarily hard...
Long story short, I want to get this fixed before I attempt to sell the car. Engine wise etc, the car sells itself, cold air intake, etc etc etc, but that crappy suspension has to go. I was going to go to our local tire/suspension place (Les Schwab out here on the left coast) because I'm not looking for racing frills etc, just simple, comfortable function. I'm wondering, though, if anyone who knows cars better might know of a better route. I don't want to get fleeced just because I'm not a car person.