My 2 cents,
For a top notch, looks like the factory designed it look, try this.
Make 2 flanged bushings or bungs...1 for each threaded hole. Say about 1/2 or 7/16 dia for about3/4 inch then a 3/4 inch diameter flange about 3/16 or 1/4 thick. Then drilled, tapped and countersunk. I am thinking it will be 5/16 or 8mm bolt?
Then drill a thin strip about 1/2 wide to your bolt pattern, and bolt size. You will use this to transfer drilling pattern to frame and to hold the bungs while you tack them to the frame. After you drill your 2 holes in the frame prep by removing paint around the holes. Then insert the bungs bolted to the strip, tack weld the bungs. Check them and weld around them, try not to go over the flat edge of the flange. When it cools down run the tap thru again.
Your original strip is too thick and heavy, and will concentrate stress in that area due to the extra weight and thickness, not to mention that unless it is curved and fitted to match frame tube it will be putting a lot of stress into the frame tube.
I have madeThousands of threaded bits for bike frames in the past.