Author Topic: Choosing a New Clutch  (Read 645 times)

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Offline Ellz10

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Choosing a New Clutch
« on: July 26, 2021, 09:07:28 PM »
Looked around a bit, couldn't find a thread for my specific question so here I am. One of the last things on my list I need before the rebuild is clutch components. Now I know people have their opinions over EBC and Barnett, and I'm open to persuasion, but I've decided for now to go with Barnett Clutch as well as their springs. Now they've told me their springs (as listed in the photo I've attached) is 56 lbs at 1". I'll probably add one shim to put it a bit over 60 where I'm comfortable at. Now I'm as far from an expert as you can get so if someone can explain to me the difference between the Clutch they're offering at the top and the Super High Performance Clutch below it, I would appreciate it. How much more beneficial would it be, one versus the other? Any additional parts or altering I'd need to do to accommodate the Super High Performance?

Also, what in the hell is a 4-plate or 5-plate or 6-plate clutch system and how should I know which one will be best for my bike? Same goes for the springs, I've read several threads now of people talking about a 5-spring setup or 6-spring setup. What's the deal? What should I know here?

Bike is a 750 K7:
Bored and honed .065 over
Wiseco Pistons 836cc
CX-11 Cam
Carillo Connecting Rods
Heavy Duty Lifter Plate from Cycle X
Undercut gears and much more.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 09:13:37 PM by Ellz10 »
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Offline samm_j2

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Re: Choosing a New Clutch
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2021, 10:04:18 PM »
I am no expert so I hope someone else chimes in. By the looks of it the high performance kit is an extra clutch plate or two. If you feel your clutch is slipping then an extra plate will give more surface area for more friction, less slipping...

I have an 836 kit and I have a stock clutch with stock springs. My friction plates are from cycle x but I do run barnett in another bike. I have not ever felt the clutch slip in my bike. But I am only running the cx2 cam.

I would imagine that the extra plates and string springs would be needed if you had a bike with over 1000cc and putting serious power to the rear wheel.

Offline Ellz10

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Re: Choosing a New Clutch
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2021, 09:51:56 AM »
I am no expert so I hope someone else chimes in. By the looks of it the high performance kit is an extra clutch plate or two. If you feel your clutch is slipping then an extra plate will give more surface area for more friction, less slipping...

I have an 836 kit and I have a stock clutch with stock springs. My friction plates are from cycle x but I do run barnett in another bike. I have not ever felt the clutch slip in my bike. But I am only running the cx2 cam.

I would imagine that the extra plates and string springs would be needed if you had a bike with over 1000cc and putting serious power to the rear wheel.

There are just too many components and I'm getting too confused. I did read somewhere that the 76-78 had square tabs or something. That's a good thing I believe, right? Also do I need a special clutch because of it?
Thankful for everyone on this forum. Grateful to continue to learn so much.

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Offline Ellz10

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Re: Choosing a New Clutch
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2021, 08:48:11 PM »
Oh well I just said screw it and bought Barnett Clutch kit and springs.

* 1976-78 CB750 SOHC = DP CLU-SOHC2-EPx

As shown in the screenshot. Comes with the springs and 7 plates plus an extra one.

Guess I'll see if it works.
Thankful for everyone on this forum. Grateful to continue to learn so much.

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