Hey when's your birthday Bill? Mine's the 11th of March, but you've still got a few years on me, ha ha!
I think the "drama" side of these shows is a put on, to be honest. You see I love to watch the "hands on" technical stuff, as it stimulates my tiny brain, but a lot of people who pretend that they like hotrods, really only want to look at the final product, so the producers throw in that "reality" crap to maintain the interest.
The show that I enjoy is "Wrecks to Riches" where Barry White (no relation to the singer) and his crew build musclecars from old bangers that they buy from junkyards. They spare no expense on the bodywork with nice fresh rust free panels, beautiful paint, magnificent interiors and wheels, and plenty of mumbo with 500+ BHP big block V8's, tranny's, diffs, etc.
No fancy stereo's with 10 amps and 100 speakers, no sno cone makers or plasma screens in the trunk, not a hint of any "pimping", just good engineering, and with only an occasional temper tantrum. Cheers, Terry. 
Terry, my birthday is on the 19th. Besides a few years, seems like I've got a few days too!
Is that show, "Wrecks to Riches" show over here too? Haven't heard of that one myself. We've had shows like Overhaulin' (where they'd set up to make it look like the vehicle was stolen, then they'd go through it and fix it up to give it back to the owner), Monster Garage (didn't always care for that one either) and there was one that used to come on Sunday evenings where they'd find a Semi truck that was in need of some serious work, take it and go completely through it and give it back to the owner (with some cool unexpected improvements) I used to enjoy a show called "Trucks" on TNN (now called Spike) but, they changed the host and the way it was operated.

Oh well, that's life.

Better get going Terry, before you catch up to me on AGE!
Later on, Bill