Never got my a&p started to at Mount SAC but other things got in the way, walked a flightline in RCAF worked on Expeditors ( Twin Beach, Beach 18, Exploders) Lancasters, Neptunes, Harvards. After I got out couldn't find a job in Canada, moved to California and worked at an overhaul shop in City of Industry by the name of Kuhn Airmotive on Lycoming every thing up to blown, Continental from 55Hp( in a J2 cub was a Mexican crop duster) to blown, Prat & Whitney 985s, 1340s, the occasional Kinner etc, then we got a contract to rebuild Merlins for an outfit that was, I believe sending Mustangs to south america, Bolivia maybe. Three great loves in my life my wife piston engined A/C and Bikes, not sure sometimes what order.
Bill the Demon