My condensers are yellow and mounted on the backing plate, they don't come with the points.
I'm pretty sure they're ordinary electrical capacitors, just need to find the type and value?
Use polyester type, for the high temperatures. Don't use mylar foil type, and ceramics will be too big.
For Honda coils, the value would be:
.24uF, 400 WVDC.
For Dyna 3-ohm coils, the value should be:
.22uF, 600WVDC.
The neon light is a novel idea: it would flash from the back-EMF of the coils, in just about the right proportion, but about 1 degree "late", electrically speaking. (Hmmm...another product?)
I might make a suggestion: since a second backing plate for the 2-3 set is not available, try setting the two so they have equal gaps, by "splitting the difference" of gap sizes between them. Then, adjust the condensor value accordingly, like this:
If the gaps come out to .016", use 0.26uF caps (Honda) or 0.24uF caps (Dyna).
If the gaps come out at .014", use 0.24uF caps (Honda) or 0.22uF caps (Dyna).
If the gaps come out at .012", use 0.22uF caps (Honda) or 0.20uF caps (Dyna).
This will "adjust" the coil saturation dwells according to the OFF time of the points for 6500+ RPM. The stock caps are probably typical Corvette, at about 0.012-0.18uF, due to the type of coils used in the cars.
The automotive points do, indeed, carry more current than the Honda-type points, as the drilled air-relief holes make a concentric, even contact surface that is about 12 times bigger than the ones in the bike (or non-ventilated auto) points. If you can't find the 'Vette parts, look for Blue Streak parts. Or, drill and bevel your Honda points with a vent hole.