just trying to figure out how many bikes you have now lol...i see references to a 550 in some posts then references to a 750 other then that F in others lol
LMAO!!! Yeh, there are references
I have a 73 CB500 with a 550 engine and a 2007 Suzuki M50 Limited. Just picked up the 350 project. I had a 78 750 that I built a chopper from but had to sell that (wife didn't like it). Additionally, my first bike (a 74 CB350F) is rotting away in my parents garage because after i rebuilt it from the ground up I sold it to my brother for $200!!!! Time was tight and I needed the money badly. He immediately wrecked it and it's been parked for the last 7 years. I've asked to get it back but he insists that he's going to do something with it "when I get a chance".
I've rebuilt a 750 for a friend and took on a 750F project that ended up being detailed in the "Decent Deal" thread. It's gone now.
There's also a 76 750 parts bike in the garage that Dusty is picking up on the 15th.
Oh. There's also the 67 (I think) CB77 hanging up on the wall of my garage and in various boxes. Was my dad's in the 70s and one day I'd like to put it back on the road. That's a long project but will be well worth it in the end.