I sure hope you check those battery cables because, this is what happened to me once. See if it's not pretty close to your situation:
I was driving from Barling Arkansas to Little Rock one Friday in my 69' Plymouth road runner and stopped to top off the gas tank about 1/2 way down to L.R. When I got back in the car to start it, all I got was a "CLICK" and that was it! I turned on the dome light and then tried again to start it. The dome light didn't even flicker! I got out and was checking the battery cables and found that I had about an inch to an inch and a half of the cable was green with corrosion (under the insulation). I borrowed tools from the mechanic at the gas station (back when there were still some gas stations), cut the corroded end off of the cable, put one of those replacement clamps on, started it up and was gone again. End of story. And THAT'S why I really wish you'd check those cables real good. It could be your starter solenoid, but I'd check those battery cables first. BTW, if your battery IS dead, I'd put a good charge on it and test it to see if it will hold a charge (if it won't, you've got, at least one bad cell). I'd hate so see you put out money for parts and not need them, you know?