Thanks Paulages, great info.
The cam cover interchange thing is like the 650 cam needing clearance in some 550 heads and not others. Apparently the castings just vary? The one I checked did have enough overlap between the mating surfaces to work, but a few corners were marginal. Its purely a sealing problem and a little bit of welding solves it. The 650 head and cylinder also have bigger cooling fins that can be trimmed to look like the old motors if you're building a "sleeper"
The primary drive ratio has changed from 500 to 550 to 650, each time spinning the clutch and trans faster to decrease the torque the components see. Changing the earlier motors over to the latest primary ratio would be a good thing for racing. Nice to know the 550 clutch cover fits too, that means the 500 cover would work if the 650 has a hollow transmission shaft to use the pushrod and actuator mechanism on the left side. I believe the sprocket covers interchange for all? Too bad about the stator covers, I'll have to see what can be done there?
I have a 6 speed Yosh CR trans so can't use the kickstart anyway. Back then a lot of the Honda trans parts interchanged, I wonder if the CB400F six speed is what the yosh kit is based on?
There really is enough info for a book, just wonder if there would be enough demand to write one?