Well I still think it's cool and as I've got 5 cars (one for each family member and my company car) I'd be happy to sacrifice one to the gods of disappearing doors, but I've got a couple of problems with it, just the same, here are my observations:
a. No "B" pillar" means that a large proportion of the cars integral strength and rigidity is compromised.
b. Only one side window on each side means that the front or rear passenger dictates whether the window will be up or down, which can be annoying, or in the case of kids or pets, quite dangerous,
c. Due to the design compromises, access and egress is compromised by the angled "running board" that protrudes over the mechanism, making it more difficult for the old and infirm to get in and out of the vehicle, and
d. Not having a conventional door open to let oncoming traffic know that you're about to exit the vehicle is an easy way to get yourself run down.
Regardless, I still want one!