It was a success! We picked up the bike no prob and the seller was a really nice guy. He had a total of 6 Honda's in his garage that he was unloading and had a Del Sol and an Accord in the street out front. ...That's dedication.
The bike was in great shape minus a little fading on the tail and a few nicks here and there, and with less than 3k miles on it it ran like brand new! I had a bit of difficulty shifting at first since I could barely squeeze my boot between the peg and the shift lever. The seat isn't the most comfortable thing for distance and it has a decent amount of vibrations in higher RPM's. I also topped it out at 70 in 5th on a downhill.

Other than that, it's fun to ride!
There was still quite a bit of snow on the ground and in the fields in Ohio. We stopped a few times so I could throw on more clothes, and to get lunch, and once at a consignment shop in the outskirts of some podunk town for directions. We took US36 the most of the way home. The roads were barren for most of the trip. We only did a bit over 100 miles, but that was plenty and I had a lot of fun.
Thanks for the advice, I'll post a few pics later tonight.