I've seen this argument go back and forward on this site for a few years now, so I guess the bottom line really is, there is not an internal combustion engine made anywhere nowadays that actually usescontact breakers (points) and for good reason, time has passed them by because technology has made them redundant.
As far as reliability goes, my 1981 Suzuki GS1000S came standard with an electronic ignition, and guess what? After 50,000 miles, it's still working fine. I've heard a few horror stories about electronic ignitions failing on the side of the road etc, but in my 36 years of riding, the only ignition failure I've witnessed was when my friend's contact breaker arm broke in half on the way back from the Bathurst bike races in 1983, on his K2. Luckily we had enough spares between us to get him home.
If you want to go electronic, go for it, I love my electronic ignitions, but if you want to keep your bike original and enjoy tinkering, then that's fine too. At least you'll have something to do in winter when the snow is halfway up your garage door! Cheers, Terry.