I'll apologize for returning the insulting nature of the discussion. It was in poor form and not my standard approach.
I would agree with much of what you've said in the above post. There are many unexperienced people viewing the site. Understanding that, would it not be better to offer your advice and warnings about over torquing than to imply that others simply don't know how to use cross points? I think it would have been more easily accepted by everyone. Just my opinion.
If you are more concerned about the form you receive information, rather than the information itself, I suggest you simply ignore my posts. No insult intended, just a suggestion. This is a practice I employ on a few members here, and find it works quite well. Besides, you "and others" have far more expertise and are far beyond anything I could offer, anyway.
It is not likely that I am going to suddenly make "style points" in my writing a priority at this late date. I've written far too many technical articles/reports in my career to suddenly persue adulation from the "touchy/feely crowd", or those more interested in PC adherence. If I don't fit in to your crowd, well, that is nothing new. I accept not being invited to your party.
I will admit to this mistake though, this thread was started in the open forum where any old nonsense goes. I did not realize that, and thought there was to be some technical discussion involved. I'll try to be more vigilant in that regard, in the future.
This particular post was made BECAUSE it is in the open forum. I doubt I would have posted this drivel in the tech forum.

Best regards,