We Atlantians are faring ok. Downtown got messed up pretty good, but much of it was superficial. The brunt of this disaster happened in an area slightly SE of there, called Cabbagetown. This is an old (1880's - 1940's) part of town, with shotgun-single style homes, old historic bungalows, old brick commercial buildings and warehouses that have been converted into shops and residences, etc. One of the large warehouse/residences was severely damaged, and many of the homes in the area were crushed by huge falling oak trees.
Even though I live very close to Cabbagetown and work downtown, I haven't seen any of the damaged areas yet... but I've talked to folks who have, and they've all said that everything seems pretty ok, except for the huge mess that now has to be cleaned up... and the problems for people that have lost their homes.
Thanks for checking...